Re: [Salon] NEW: Republican lawmakers say they will oppose new Ukraine aid

Speaking of gullible, or duplicitous, sources, Really Great News here for those supportive of “delaying" war with Russia a bit, or pretending to, to maximize deployment of weapons, and all other military resources, to especially include intell/SpecOps/CIA resources, to the “Eastern Front,” for war against China. Which is inexorably being built up to, as Trump intended, against both Russia and China, in accelerating what Gingrich, Clinton, Bush/Cheney, Obama, had begun. My bet is we get to see the culmination of this effort in my lifetime, given my optimism I may live two more decades, and pessimism I won’t get out of this world without seeing nuclear war. Almost like Mark Twain and Halley’s Comet, and me arriving shortly after the Hydrogen Bomb . . . 

But here is what these hyper-militarists have to say, about "other wars” they demand:
"Rep. Eli Crane discusses an issue that is receiving “really rare” bipartisan support in Congress, as Republican and Democrats are waking up to the true “threat that China has become.” The Arizona Congressman says, he’s “been surprised to see Democrats and Republicans both seeming to understanding the threat that China has become. And I really hope that concern turns into action so that we can stop some of what they're doing in this country, because it is very alarming.” Saying, for those of us that actually pay attention to China, what their leaders say and their strategy, they do want to topple the United States and the West as the global superpower. And I'm afraid that if we don't change course with some of our policy, I believe they're going to achieve that goal. And so it is a very real threat, and we need to take it very seriously.”

But who’s in the forefront of this fear/warmongering is a relevant question, and anyone who has read the news since 2016 knows who the most vociferous advocacates of hostilities against China, and opponents of “meaningful” diplomacy,  have been, as a couple examples show. And anyone here can use that "Top Secret Intelligence” tool, JFGI, by its acronym, by just typing in any of names of the signatories here, and the word “China,” can see that. For good measure, do the same with Iran, and Israel, to see who else’s “National Interests” are so important to these “anti-Neocons,” like Mary Miller:

All of these Republicans use “devil terms,” to the maximum (as do the Democrats in keeping up with them, having “assimilated” their Goldwaterite ways), in inciting war against China and Iran (see attached file), which will include Russia as their “ally,” in any war with the former two. As virtually every American seems to wish for, even at the cost of a nuclear apocalypse. Which we were ready to go to in 1962 under the influence of the “Conservative Movement’s” ideologists. Now it’s their bi-partisan successors to play so cavalierly with war, and nuclear weapons, with reckless “incitement,” and abandon:

Like with Crane, and Brecheen, and all the others whom I won’t look up once again as when I showed how the 40 or so Republicans who voted against Ukraine aid last year all offered varying motives, but overwhelmingly, those motives were that they wanted the China Theatre to receive war-fighting resources disproportionately to the Russia Theatre.

Paul and Lee just want to preserve more tax cuts for the Oligarchs, who profit off the wars, whilst all about them, their compatriots build up for war, at the direction of, and benefit for, the Oligarchs, like Vance backer Peter Thiel, with his Schmittian fascist ideology.

But here’s a quiz: how many of these six Republicans,, also signed the “no more unrestrained aid for Ukraine” letter, in between inciting war against China?

Goldwater speech:

Attachment: Enemies of the Country:LeMay.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

On Apr 20, 2023, at 11:24 AM, Kelley Vlahos via Salon <> wrote:


Breaking right now: Sens. Paul, Lee and Vance, join freshman Rep. Eli Crane and 15 other House members in sending a letter to Biden saying they will not vote for any new Ukraine aid unless he can articulate a clear diplomatic strategy for bringing the war to a rapid conclusion. More here from me:

All the best,
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